Vocation, Friendship, and the Catholic Moral TraditionRovati, Alessandro and Matthew P. Whelan (eds.), Vocation, Friendship, and the Catholic Moral Tradition: Further Explorations from New...
New Wine, New WineskinsHill, Lasnoski, Sherman, Sikorski, and Whelan (eds.), New Wine, New Wineskins: Perspectives of Young Moral Theologians, Journal of Moral...
Leaving and Coming HomeDavid Cloutier (ed.), Leaving and Coming Home: New Wineskins for Catholic Sexual Ethics, Cascade Books (2010)
New Wine, New Wineskins: A Next Generation ReflectsWilliam C. Mattison III (ed.), New Wine, New Wineskins: A next Generation Reflects on Key Issues in Catholic Moral Theology, Rowan &...